Organisation Development

What do you do when the problem keeps coming back despite all kinds of efforts?

When an organisational problem keeps repeating itself, we need to be able to step back and see the larger patterns at play. It often helps to use the fresh eyes of an outsider, someone who can gather data and report back with objectivity and independence.

OD consultants, at their best, pass on their best practices, helping their clients become learning organisations. As defined by Peter Senge, a learning organisation is a group of people who are continually enhancing their capabilities to create what they want to create.

Through her work with global and local companies, academic institutions, and non-profit organisations, Kim has been exposed to a wide variety of organisational challenges. These are some of the techniques she has used as a change agent:

  • Employee Engagement
  • Problem-Solving, Action Planning
  • Self Empowering Sequence
  • Visioning – Creating Shared Vision and Values
  • Virtual Teams & Collaboration
  • Strategic Planning
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Approaching the Undiscussables

The interventions are combined and customised in accordance with the scope and desired outcomes of each OD project.

I would love to explore the best option for your organisation or team.

Get in touch at +44 (0)757 032 3650 or