The Right Kind Of Loud
Finding Your Communication Voice
This book is written to help you expand your comfort zone, connecting with the people in the room, on stage, in meetings and boardrooms, in interviews and sales pitches. The goal is for you to be the Right Kind of Loud, engaging in any kind of situation you walk into.
It’s a collection of reflections, methods and exercises gathered from my years as a trainer in the communication field with examples from my sessions as well as stories about how these skills have made a difference in my own life.
The book is arranged into seven chapters of learning areas for you to choose from like a menu.

Book Chapters
Sound Right
Unleashing the Power of Your Voice
Move Right
Glowing With Your Presence
Listen Right
Winning People Over
Speak Right
Engaging Your Audience
Tell It Right
Writing Your Story
Strategize Right
Getting Your Message Through
Connect Right
Creating Rapport in My Career Cities